How to Level Up Your Body Confidence

Do you ever find yourself feeling a little self-conscious about your body? I know exactly what that’s like.

Years ago, I had super low confidence about my body, but babes, with a few changes I was able to turn this around! I have learnt how to feel empowered, boost my mindset and level up my body confidence which has led to a happier and healthier version of me.

If you’re in need of a confidence booster, you’re in luck! Here are my top tips for leveling up your body confidence so you can become the fiercest version of you!

Ditch self-criticisms
Ever find yourself saying “I hate my stretch marks” or “I wish I didn’t have cellulite”? Sometimes it can be easy to find physical and mental things to critique yourself about. But babes, critiquing yourself in a negative way is the opposite of uplifting. 

Nobody is perfect. Instead of focusing on the little things that you perceive as an imperfection, try to EMBRACE yourself for who you are. Learn to love your scars, curves, stretch marks, cellulite… embrace everything that makes you uniquely YOU!

Stop comparing yourself to others
I see comments on my social media all the time from girls saying “I wish I had your abs”, “I wish I had your legs”, and every other type of comparison possible. The thing is, comparing yourself to others is not productive at all and definitely isn’t a confidence booster!  

Yes, as humans we are wired for comparison, but remember, we are ALL different and you are enough just the way you are.

All you need to do is focus on YOU. Embrace who you are and focus on being the best YOU can be. So stand up tall, be proud of who you are, and you’ll feel your confidence increase! 

Appreciate your body 💕
Babes, your body does SO much for you every day. Your body is what carries you through life, allowing you to have so many amazing life experiences!

Whilst it is totally normal to want to improve your physique, don’t let yourself feel down about how your body looks now. If you're on a fitness journey, you may be so focused on what you want the end result to be — but don’t forget to show your current physique some love and appreciation! 👏🏼

Workout like a BOSS 💪🏼
Babes, there is no better feeling than SLAYING a workout! Exercise really does boost self-esteem and helps curate a strong body AND mind. 

Years ago, all I did was endless cardio. I was weak, super self-critical of my body and had little confidence. How did I turn this around? I started lifting weights! Resistance training was a real GAME-CHANGER for boosting my body confidence. Feeling strong = feeling empowered! 

Working out in a way that makes you feel empowered helps you become more in-tune with your body, and boosts your confidence along the way. So babes, put on some cute activewear, play your fav music, and work it!

Although we can all be a little self-conscious at times, leveling up your body confidence IS possible if you put my tips into practice! 

Need a little helping hand? Work on your confidence, lift like a boss, and eat like a queen in my next 8 week challenge, BIKINI X STRONG

BIKINI X STRONG gives you the full experience of what it’s like to train like me. I’m giving you the secrets of a World Bikini Champion with your food, training and mindset so you can achieve your own transformation! 

I can’t WAIT to coach you to become the strongest, most confident version of yourself through BIKINI X STRONG. See you all there! 

Loz xx